As usual it was an awesome time. It started friday, I headed down to Casey's in Hawthorne. Got there around 6 or so. Partied all night, passed out around 12 or 1? I really dont remember much from that night. Hahahaha. But I know it was a good time :P
Anyway we woke up at like 4AM, Todd and the NorCal crew was already there, and I guess they got there around 1AM and I was too dead to notice, haha. But we cleaned up, and headed out around 5:30 or something like that. I was riding shotgun with Shawn in the PW 1st gen. Tried to get a few rolling shots on the way, but not many turned out good. Lol
Todd's delecious minty box rollin. You can see Mark's box up ahead too.


We all got to the show a little before 6. Got parked and settled, checked in, and all that good stuff. Then it was time to park cars. HFD was in charge of parking 30 cars right behind where we were parked. So I helped with that for like an hour or soo, then when things died down the crew started detailing there cars and gettin ready for the show to start.
Eric bustin out the OG touch skills on Shawns car.

Then the coverage gets super random, because I was really lazy when it came to taking pics. LOL
This boso cressy wagon was AWESOME, the owner was super chill too.

Would still like to pick up an x8 one day

Loyd's sexy x3 cressy

Some of the tasty Rolla's

Love this car!

Wait whats that under the hood?

That right!!!

Had to sneak in a pic of JDM haha

Some of the xB's

Not sure how I feel about the Rotiforms on a first gen.

Cant get over Ommar's box. I'm in love with these wheels, and the way they fit haha

Dennis' car always lookin clean!

Aaron and Roby's LexB lol

Waggster's B

This truck was SOOO epic! The top was chopped 6" the bed was shortened 23" and it was on bags. Obviously.

This thing is awesome. And that turbo...GOD DAMN!

Random crowd shot

Some of bB Squad's cars. Always lookin good.

Some HFD action. I couldnt stop lookin at Todd's new paint. Its so captivating.

This right here was the talk of the day. It was a plunger handle Waggster used as a shift knob a while back. Well he broke it and gave it to me. So I started off the day parking cars with it, and it ended up in Shawns exhaust pipe. It got more attention then the actual car did hahaha.

Some nice Lexus

Back to HFD Lol

A bad ass LS1 powered x8 cressy <3

Daylo's hood. We all tagged it up.

Mark stood here for like 5 min trying to decide what to write...I dont think he ever wrote anything. LOL

LOL Ryan walking by.

Ryan and Daylo doing...something?

A dope highlander.

George actually started the xB like this and they went flying. haahaha

Taresa's Toasted box :P

Shanes xB rollin SUPER SLAMMED on a fresh Kenstyle kit. Props to him for being so baller hahaha

After like 30 something hours of no sleep Todd finally passed out haha

We later found out that all show entries get a free tour of the Queen Marry. By tour I mean u get to go on the boat and get ur self TOTALLY lost, which is exactally what Mark and I did :D
The creepy long hall ways, u can see how that slant down in the middle. Someone told me why but I totally forgot haha.

View from the boat!

Some how George ended up on a totally different level then us haha

People were getting ready to leave. Dennis tapped up his car, gettin ready for the long drive back to NorCal.

Then we finally rolled out and a few of us (Ryan, Shawn, Joe, Todd, and the rest of the NorCal crew) decided we were hungry and hit up Wing Stop. Tried to get a rolling shot of Joe's car haha

So we couldnt find parking, and decided to go into a parking garage down the street from Wing Stop. So were about to roll in. And Ryans in front, he goes in and the bike on his roof hits the height limit sign. And he keeps driving because he couldnt stop and block traffic. So he went a little further and the bike hit the cement beams and ended up pushing down on the rack and dented the roof :(


And thats the end! Went back to Casey's, partied some more and went back home the next day.
Thanks everyone who made this possible. Casey for lettin my crash at his place, all my HFD homies for everything, and everyone who helps put TORC together. Always an awesome time, with or without a car. hahaha