It was an awesome time, I'd like to thank everyone that came out. The day was a great sucess, met some new people and hung out with some old friends. Its been a while since I've chilled with all the homies haha. People started showing up and like two hours into it I realized I should be taking some pics haha.
On to pics!
Daniels car jacked up about ready to get some work done haha

Shane's Gen2 gettin prepped for some fender rollage.

Ryan, John, and my dad haha.

Will startin work on Shane's Gen2

Carls Camaro

Carl preppin Steven's brothers truck for some weling.

Casey was workin on installin some JDM door handles (look at Tony's face LOL)

Will's car ridin high :(

Steves camaro and his friends stang

The bro's

Will gettin down with those fenders

Ryans whip

Daniels car waitin for some work

Oh god here we go haha

More of the bros haha

Um yea

Pedo shot of Caseys car haha

The end result...He wanted em pulled a 3/4" He got what he wanted! Other then where it buckled Id say it was a job well done! haha

Daniels fenders were the highlight of my day hahaha I had a lot of fun and learned a lot from pulling fenders that far haha
Ryan gettin ready for an oil change

Johns rolla gettin some fender work

I like this shot :D

Wills car on jack stands he was about to roll the front fenders

His smile says it all haha

Doin work

It was obviously a good time :P


Then Danny rolled up

More of Carls Camaro

Another random artsy shot, they just dont look as cool with out a nice cam haha

Carl with his game face on

God I love Danny's car <3

Then Brion and Mando rolled up

Then we decided we were hungry so I hopped in Johns car and we went to grab some food. But first we had to lead Carl back to the school where he parks his Camaro since he didnt have headlights he needed to basically tailgate us the whole way haha. This is just a random shot of Johns car in the school parking lot.

Got back and Brion was puttin in work tryin to figure something out with his horn or something hahaha

John was crowned the HFD cheff and I left him in charge of the grille. That Carne Asada turned out SOOO damn good too, thumbs up John!

Ryan and Brion enjoying some fresh food. Brions face really says it all hahaha

Random shot, last one of the night

Ryan, John, the 2 new guys in the TCM (im really sorry guys i forgot ur names hahaha) and Carl were the last guys there, we finished work around 11:30 and they helped me clean the place up and I think everyone left around 12am. It was an awesome time, tanks guys for helpin clean up too it was really a chore haha.
Hopefuly we can get another one of these together soon either at my place, or someone elses. It was an awesome time, It always is when you get so many chill people together, and so many nice cars to play with.
Thanks guys Ive been missin some good wrenching, and FENDER WORK! hahahaha :D
outstanding !