First you need a nice tune to listen to while gazing upon these amazing cars. hahaha
This is prolly my new fave b. and for obvoius reasons :D

This leads me to believe this car is static. Which, weather true or not, has become my new goal for my car.

Another nice one. The NA Jack Alure bB

Really dont know much about this car other then its sporting a Final Konnexion kit, which after seeing this has become one of my favorites. If anyone has any info or more pics of this car, or the kit lmk!

Another car i know nothing about. But it has a lot of things i want to incorporate into my car somehow. plus its just amazing. haha

Yet another one i really dont know anything about but i really like it, some subtle fender work, and overall a clean car.

One thats somewhat internet famous. Has some sort of custom BMW headlights, and a Nobless kit.

I just love the exhaust on this. haha

This bB is freakin insane. Its WAY to much for my taste, but i still love how much went into it. Looks like a Spirits kit, Artisans spirits hood, Itchiko heads, and a TON of custom stuff.

the bB is nuts. sporting an afections kit to its fullest.

And thats everything for tonight. Hope ya like it!
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