Anyway on to pics and such. Got to use James Cannon Rebel super baller cam, so i have wayyy cooler pics :D
Alright, so i got up super early at like 6am, left around 7, got to ryans at like 8...cause he told me to. haha. So I get there and we wait for Tibo and his sister to get ready and leave about 8:30. Show up at wallmart around 9ish walk around wallmart for a while cuz we needed to buy toys, and breakfast at McDonalds. LOL. So we finally leave around 9:30. Get to Irwindale close to 10, sit there till 12 (i took pics there but there on my other cam and im lazy so yea haha) anyway.
Here are a few shots of me messing with the cam trying to figure it out
Ryans table. We were laughing cause it says "no smoking" But anything and everything relating to smoking is rignt next to the sign haha

Leaving Irwindale at like 1230

On the road


I liked this car. Nice and clean. I'll have to meet the owner some time

These people made me lol

Right before we got to Knotts some chicks dog jumpped out the widnow of her car or something and casey almost ran it over. LOL

Ernie showing us where to go. lol

Finally made it into the show.
Some of the cars at the Scion Racing booth

Lenny saying whats up, while playing musical chairs. haha

Skip forward to me back at the HFD "tent" aka Ez-Up haha

Our super baller stero. No not the huge face melting subs, the tiny little silver FM radio powered by 2 tripple A's. LOL

Johnny being nice

Earnie stopped by

Couldnt let him leave with out some HFD love

Heinz spreadin the love too

We decided the first one was too messed up so time for another! haha

This random car got one, and later in the day it was gone. haha

Ryan threw one on his car

Heinz slapped one on this chicks rear

I threw one on Lenny's lip. HAHA

Oh yeaaaaaaaa

Nice pose

Facepalm on flares. Flarepalm? lol

WTF is this chick doing

Weird custom spoiler

Indy and the family

Indy got one too :D

And Casey's Ez-Up

Prolly my fave pic of them all. Beto's adorable little girl

Ass so fat u can see it from the front

Heinz trying to teach ryan how to dance

Eamon doing something with a bumper

This is when Eamon ended up with the cam and toom some pics haha

This car...Man...So JDM Boso on springs, sportmax, and...stock

After that we went into the park and i left the cam in the car cuz i didnt wanna be responsible for it haha. Over all i had an awesome time i'd like to thank everyone who had a part in this again. Im glad i finally made it out after 2 years of bailing. haha