So I was totally shocked when I saw Heinz there, every time I'm there he's not, and vise versa. So this was like wow, I had to take a pic. Beto's face is great too. Hahahah.

Damn you Jimmy, your car is super photogenic. haha

Small group shot, and lol at Heinz. I think you should invest in a belt buddy :P

I dont know who this guy is, or where he came from but I want his wheels. haha. Super clean car overall.

Todd takin some pics.

Then we rolled to Bob's Big Boy's. Never been there myself so this was a new experience. haha.

Then there was an accident outside, I guess the civic tried to turn right, and ran a yellow possible red, and hit the versa. haha. It provided entertainment, and some interesting coversations the rest of the night. haha

Back to the people, and food.

Gave my cam to someone and they started takin pics, and started with me. haha

Mark was next, he said "Oh wait i gotta fix my hair!" Ahahahaaa

I got my cam back and had to take a pic of Eamon deep throating his greens. Hahaha

Ok, so when I ordered my fries, I asked the waitress if they had any "super awesome" season salt, and sure enough they did. Haha, so after I was done eating I asked if I could keep it and she said just buy a new one there like 5 bucks. Then I told her, "No I want this one." she says ok go ask the manager. So the manager checks us out at the counter, and I start talkin to her, and some how convince her to give me the season salt for free, under the condition that I come back sometime. HAHA! But now I have something to remember Bob's by.

LOL. epic pics.