Pics from the 818 meet Dec 1st 2010.
Ryans bumper after I stitched it all up

Shawn teaching ryan how to make a JDM console fit properly

Casey doin what he does best

Ryan puttin the bumper back on, or something

JC and his friend posin for the cam

Then JC just went crazy ahhaha

Random pics

Ryan and his fave CD

I was in love with this 3

Mark and his girl showed up...FROM NORCAL! Lol jk they were at D-Land

Ryan tryin to get the console in. lol

Thats it for tonight! Glad to be back. Hopefully these posts wont be 2 months apart anymore. I'll try to keep this thing somewhat more updated. Oh sorry about some of the pics, they came out dark or blurry, still learnin with this cam. lol...Anyway! Enjoy! :D
Damn finally... I've been waiting here this whole time all lonely and stuff.....
Welcome back.
what?1?!?!?!?!?1 NO FC?!?!?!?!?!