Alright, Anyone remember when i first got my replacement fender for the S13, and how i said i was gunna bring it to my auto body class to work on it. Well soo many weeks later its done! I shot the last bit of clear yesterday. woot! Im pretty happy with the turn out, there are a few imperfections, but what ever. look at the car its going on. haha! Anyway. pics :D The pics really dont do it justiuce, so just pretend its awesome. haha I'll have it mounted tomorrow or thursday depending on the weather.
Then yesterday i was bored, and since my rc is down i decided to work on the body. lol idk how i came up with the wonderful idea of hacking the front bumper off. but thats what i did! LOL! So i cleaned that up today, Moched up some IC piping. so we'll see how that all turns out.
a closde up of the "zipties" i used to fix the cracks in the lip
And on my way home from school i stopped by the block shop to have them a couple things i couldnt do on my bike. Its sooo freakin close! I just need peadals, and it'll be rideable. then just a rear wheel so it rides nice. haha. anyway pics!
cool story bro tell it again