Id like to thank everyone who came out and helped, make all this posible. This was truly the best car related event i've ever been a part of. Thanks guys!

Then the next day, i cut some stock springs i picked up at the tech day.

Put the car back together and rolled out to the 6 flags meet.

That was the end of the weekend. lol. Still did work today tho. After school, i bought some poly fill and stuffed the sub box, and the hatch. made such a diff. the only downside is i wanna do the entire car now. Hahaha!

Then i got my new CVD joint in the mail for the r/c. so i worked on that too! But first i had to get some food. Huge thanks to Mondo for leaving this for me to eat, its soooooo good. nom nom nom nomz!!!

Also threw the mistiers on and got the stance to where i love it. now i really dont think i can drive this way. but what ever. only one way to find out. haha!

After alllll that, i was to apoligise to my readers (if they exist) but i havent updated this in a while. i've just been busy with the tech day, and school and stuff, but things are setteling down. So keep an eye out. Haha! Thanks for readin and have a good week!
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