So i was driving home today, hit the ground doing like 60, in a spot ive never hit before. so i was kinda like wtf? But what ever. After that my car was making a HORRIBLE scraping noise every time i hit the smallest bump or turned right. so at this point i had my guard up and was like wtf is happening. but what ever i was 10 min from home. scrapped bad again in a sport i never scrape. (both times were on the passenger side btw) so im really trippin now. but i know im close to home so i keep going. im cool untill i get in my neighborhood and i hear the same scrapping noise reallllllly bad and almost constant. so i pull over and look under my car. I find that one of the stupid little cross bars was hanging on my one bolt instead of 2. LOL FAIL! so what ever i get home go to jack the car up. throw it on 2 peices of wood (like normal) and the jack dosent fit. WTF? ok 3 peices of wood. jack fits now. then i see my tire and its like SUPER low. Now im starting to tie everything together. The tire was low, which lowered that side of the car, making me scrape, and break the bolt to the cross bar. I get it! So after a quick facepalm and a few curse words i take the wheel off to inspect the damage. tire was off and i found this

Luckily it'll be an easy cheap fix.
Then i looked at the cross bar so i could take it off. haha

scrapped the bolt head straight off. lol

some frame rapage

The driver's side cross bar. Come to find out its ever worse then the passenger :O

Like how the effffffff dose it end up looking like this?!!

Also found out my axle was notching a spot in my frame. Awesome

The cross bar removed

The car in SUPER fail mode. Hood's wet sanded ready for paint, fenders are color sanded ready to be belnded, and i fixed all the paint chips on them too haha


Incase anyone was wondering, the side skirts are removed in prep for the fenders to be blended

Onto the good things :D
Got my paint and other goodies today! Yaay!

Plactic welded my grille since the epoxy wasnt holding. lol. its getting closer and closer to being done. yay!

Sanded it down trying to get it as smoothe as possible before the filler goes on

Tire should be fixed tomorrow or something. car should be all one color monday or tuesday. ugh im so ready for that. haha car looks like aidz right now
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