Alright. Fun story. So yesterday it was my grandma, and uncle's birthday. So we went to the Odessey around 11. Then around 1 i had to leave for work, so im drivin down the driveway and come around a turn and BAM BAM! the car bounces around and im like ughhh. I look back wondering what I hit. Some tree roots had pushed up the asphault, and i didnt see it untill it was too late. haha. but whatever i kept driving cuz everything seemed fine. So i get to work at like 2. Then around 7 one of the other workers came in and was like ur car is leaking tranny fluid. Im like WTF? Noo u suuuuuure its not oil. So after some back and forth we walk outside to see this.

FAIL! Epic fail!
So my dad came to pick me up when my shift was over, and i left the car there for the night. After work at like 2 today we came back to tow the car home.
Took a closer look

Gettin ready to tie it up.

Just about ready

On the road

Got it home, and wanted to take a good look.

Death and distruction!

Then I remembered my car was supposed to be painted tomorrow. Epic fail! But i decided to take the fenders and hood off and paint em off the car. less masking anyway. haha

Too bad i cant drive like this! hahah

ooooo yea need to fab a skid plate